Final Project

My final piece is about how we are destroying the environment. But instead of shooing landfills and starving children I decided to show it threw more of a pop culture effect. Things like makeup, cell phones, keeping lights on, it all helps us in our daily tasks but it also is hurting the environment. Changing one bad environmentally bad hobbit can help the carbon footprint that you admit, an reduce the pollution that is put out in the air. It only takes unplugging  your cell phone charger when your not using it to make a difference.


I, being a photographer played with color more when i was taking the film and photos. But even with doing that I did still go in and play with the color a bit. I played with sound a lot, enhancing sounds and adding sounds that might not have been there in the first place. I also played with how long a clip was and the timing of the clips.


The two pictures I made in Photoshop to go with the video didn’t come out how I would have liked them to. The first picture I love. I love the color. I played with the color and used the dodge, burn and sponge tool to enhance the picture. The second one looked good before I printed it. It was suppose to look like fire but instead it looks funky. I played with the color as well on this one and the dodge and burn tool.

Posted on December 15, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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