Project two Ideation

For this project I have come up with a hand full of ideas. The problem is I haven’t been able to decide which idea I want to go with. I want to get away from some of the ideas that where in my last project such as music, barbies, even the color scheme. I want this one to be completely different however my strongest idea once again come from music.


Concept 1- the idea of music telling a story through sound. This to me is beautiful in just the instruments. What a wooden guitar can do to someone and how it can make you feel.

Concept 2- the rights of women through the type of shoes they wear. Starting from the 1920’s idea of a high heel up to present day.How women are judged by the shoes they wear and how powerful shoes in a outfit of choice can be.

Concept 3- Beatuy in society can ben seen through someone’s eyes. It’s been the catchphrase of almost all romanitic novels and movies “I feel for you when I saw your eyes”. But even older eyes can be beatuful. Our eyes tell our story’s, what we have seen, weather we want them to or not.


Appropriated Images:

-decaying guitars, broken guitar strings, the wood of the tree that will be used to make a guitar. The different types of guitars.

-high heels from back in the day to present day, heels wore by powerful women in history.

-Different types of eyes starting from a babies eyes to aged eyes, different angels where maybe the top of the cheek from a person can be seen.


Line: The way the grid well be divide i was thinking of maybe like a comic book strip top to bottom. Instead of right to left. Also the lines of the images would matter for example if I whereto do the concept of music then the way a broken string would flow out of one image and maybe into another. I want to make sure no matter how I divide the grid up that the eye moves in the direction I want it to.



-A color for concept one that I would think about using is greens and reds to make the feel of music. Less reds though for I don’t want the piece to come of as anger. I would most likely pay with color manipulation like I did in the photo of my dog.

-For concept two I would use more color fixing than anything. To make sure that the bright colors where bright enough and made your eye want to look at them. I would want you to feel the power of the shoes and one single color might not work.

-Concept three I would use a monochromatic color scheme. My color of choice would be blue since blue is more of a relaxing color.


Shape: Of course since we are using a grid each picture will have to be in a square. But I was thinking of maybe bringing pictures so far close that you can only see one part of a picture or that they are so far back that maybe you can see someones face or shoulders as well.


Directional Force: For my grid I don’t want the directional force to be left to right as if you where reading a book. I want the force to make you go either top to bottom r right to left. This depends on the placement of the pictures.





Posted on October 6, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Look back at the Project 2 sheet for specific requirements – i.e. Formal Design Elements, Recontextualizing/Intertextualizing (subject matter out of context)

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